Introduction: The Early Years

Jo: Elias, as a child, did you have a clear vision of what you wanted to become?

Elias: Not at all. I didn't have a specific passion or exceptional talent from the start, and I think there's the beauty of life sometimes, finding out as you go.

Section 1: Love for Knowledge

Jo: Can you share a pivotal moment that shaped your perspective on education?

Elias: Certainly. In college, I met Dr. Horrocks, who taught me that knowledge isn't just for its own sake. It has a purpose. Learning is about translating theory into action, into creation. This realization gave me a strong motive in learning. It’s like it gave a pulse to my education.

Section 2: Random Mistake or Fate?

Jo: Your academic journey took an unexpected turn. Can you tell us about that?

Elias: It was a mix of a random mistake and, perhaps, fate. While applying for my master's (and being a little bit tired from partying the previous night - we were 20ish after all), a friend that was helping me out, accidentally messed up the titles, leading me to a "Satellite Communications Systems" master's program at Surrey Uni, and I went along with that.

Section 3: Love for Research and Innovation

Jo: How did your time at Surrey Uni influence your approach to education?

Elias: I love that question. So, in Surrey, I met Pr. Craig Underwood, an amazing human who ignited within me a fire for research and innovation. For the first time, I saw the spark in someone's eyes who truly loved what they did, and that flame spread to my own heart.

Section 4: Freedom in Doing What You Love

Jo: Your journey then took you to "NTUA". What did you discover there?

Elias: At "NTUA", I met Pr. Filippos Konstantinou where he took me down a path of self-discovery. He showed me how to be free in doing what I love. It was a revelation, as he brought to the surface aspects of me I didn't know existed, particularly in the realm of commercial and strategy.

Connecting the Dots: WeRedd's Inception

Jo: Fast forward to today, how do these experiences through your education journey connect with the inception of WeRedd?

Elias: Well, you can say that these experiences were stepping stones; but most importantly they were echoes of passion from important people in my life. They laid the foundation for WeRedd. The love for knowledge, the unexpected turns, the passion for research and innovation, and the freedom to pursue what I love - they all play a role in shaping the ethos of WeRedd. Our commitment to education, innovation, and the human element stems from these very lessons learned along the way, resonating with every project, every interaction, and every life touched on WeRedd’s journey.